Laugh Lekker with iChameleon at the Baxter Theatre – Because You're Not a Doos Like That!

'Cultsha Kennis' is still buzzing with laughter after watching the hilarious Sne Dlala take to the stage with his latest comedy show called iChameleon.

iChameleon is playing at the Baxter Theatre until Saturday 8th July (you have 2 more days to book!), where Sne hilariously reminds us of how we all tend to blend in with life's scenarios like a chameleon - like when we try to be 'white' at Woolies or when we try to be cute to please our partners.

Just when I told my friend Shaun, my friend and fellow blogger who accompanied me to the event, that I don't want to be picked for audience participation... Sne appears with a penny whistle and a stage decorated with different boxes – some brown, some in colour.

The message was thought provoking – basically, don't be a doos – and was very cleverly pulled off with sound effects that make you feel like you're at a Boys II Men concert. Yes, I was hanging on every sound!

Like Shaun said – its the perfect show to take away your winter blues, so you do NOT wanna miss it!

For more on the show and where to book:


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