Come and Join JITSVINGER LIVE at Nomad Bistro & Bar this December!

What Cultsha Kennis loves about the festive season is that it provides ample opportunity to make new friends, let our guard down, relax and take time out to see new talent that’s on the horizon!

Or if you’re a frequenter on the arts and culture scene, like Cultsha Kennis, you’re probably waiting to clock out for the year so that you can make time to see your existing favourites that seem to only come around once when we’re not looking!   

Whichever of the two you may be, you MUST join us at the JITSVINGER LIVE show at the Nomad Bistro & Bar in Waterkant Street, Cape Town – a night which promises to bring Hip-Hop infused musical flavours ranging from jazz, blues, goema, boombap, R&B to traditional!
Jitsvinger will be sharing the stage with hidden talent from the Cape Flats, as well as a few other surprise guest features. CD’s will be on sale, along with merchandise by AWEH! Kaapstad. The venue is perfectly suited for those who like to be wined and dined with some entertainment on the side!  
***Cultsha Kennis is giving away 10 tickets to the upcoming JITSVINGER LIVE show! Select a date from the list of shows on the event advert above, and then RSVP your full name, selected date and 'Cultsha Kennis' to See you there!


Since the launch of his 2017 EP titled Jitslogie, Jitsvinger has been on a creative and interesting journey! He has been on a musical tour in the Netherlands for the 2nd round of SA Road Trip: Celebrating Life alongside Ancient Voices and the Khayelitsha United Mambazo Choir. This tour had packed out theatres from Amsterdam to Frieslan and more places. Jitsvinger gives us an account of this experience: “My cultural curiosity was satisfied through a special invitation to a Surinamese music concert where I met one of the biggest names in entertainment. Their musical roots are very much the same as that of Cape Town: the classiness, the ballroom-like courtesy towards dance partners, the goema-feel of Kawina music… en dan is daar nog die kos!”

Jitsvinger also performed at the Akkerfees in Stellenbosch, a festival to promote the advancement of the Afrikaans language. Here, he shared the stage with his fellow Afrikaaps performers, as well as with Wasgoedlyn (Cultsha Kennis gives 10/10 for this creative stage name!) and Spoegwolf.

Showing his creative versatility, Jitsvinger has also contributed to the community through his role as an arts educator, a competition judge and community arts representative. He co-facilitated a creative writing session at Hallo Gedig Dag with the Darling Trust, in collaboration with Janine van Rooy, more popularly known as Blaq Pearl. We just know the effect Boeta Jits had on the students when he says that “the youth burst through their shyness with clever wordplay and unabashed wittiness during their presentations – I felt so proud that I gave a copy of the Jitsologie EP to the winner!”

Taalmonument also invited him to host an open-mic competition at Paarl Jeugdag with vocal groups, dance ensembles and “razor sharp lyricists!” who all competed alongside with one another. He also got invited to be a Youth Mental Health Ambassador with Arting Health with other professional medical and health practitioners as well as artists, a project that sought to adopt an egalitarian approach in breaking the stigmas and discrimination around mental health and to bridge the gap between scientists and society at large.

Jitsvinger also presented a special Hip-hop lecture to the Music students at WITS University in Gauteng (‘n perfekte follow-up van Jitsologie – the study of being cool!) on themes relating to censorship, environment and heritage. He’s journey in Jo’burg also included an interview with comedy legend Casper De Vries on Cliff Central, and a TV interview on Klop! Kô Laat Os Praat discussing the advancement of the Afrikaans language through rap music alongside fellow rapper Early B!   


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