Emitting Healing and Social Justice in Elsies River Community Last Saturday!

MC Vernon Rose with Cultsha Kennis What happens when you put music, dance, poetry, people and vetkoek together in a community that is constantly overpowered by the social ills of our time? A revolution, that's what you get! This was proven to be true last weekend at the Concert for Healing and Social Justice in Elsies River, Cape Town. Residents, visitors and entertainers from Elsies River, the surrounding Northern Suburbs as well as the broader Cape Town gathered in celebration of healing and social justice through music and spoken word. Razak Johnson and Byron Clarke - preshow! The concert took place at the Shawco Hall in Elsies River, and was hosted by the Cape Cultural Collective and artists from the Northern Suburbs in Cape Town. This space was also created in love and remembrance of Courtney Peters, a 3-year old who was murdered recently in the area, and to remind the public that Elsies River is so much more than the gang violence ...