#JustMen – A Theatre Review and Call Out for Men to Engage in Transformative Conversation

Loukmaan Adams with Cultsha Kennis Author at #JustMen 2018 Directed by Heinrich Reisenhofer, #JustMen has returned to the Baxter Theatre after a successful run in 2018, and is currently playing from 17 July to 3 August 2019 . Book your tickets fast via Webticket . Show duration: 70mins. Age restriction: 13. Trigger warning : the content of this show addresses abuse, violence and murder. For more details on where to book: http://www.baxter.co.za/shows/justmen-2/ This show was written and produced in response to the global outbreak of the #Metoo movement in 2016, where millions of women broke the silence on abuse, violence and murder . The show also encourages support and responsibility from men as a collective for what is a man’s part of this conversation, as per the show’s opening epilogue, “ we want men to show up, own up and open up ”. Further on in Heinrich’s address, and when sharing his own story, he also highlights how men are at war with themselves due to t...