
Showing posts from October, 2016

'Synergy' Brought a Third Instalment of Music To Gwangju Last Saturday!

On Saturday 8 th   October, music-lovers from all over the world gathered at the Gwangju International Centre to enjoy the third installment of  Synergy  featuring performance artists from Gwangju, South Korea. Synergy is an interactive showcase that features live performances and visual artists, and is hosted every alternative month by a dynamic creative team in Gwangju – Gabrielle Zilla ( synergy co-host and free-style poet), Joshua Alexander Wright ( synergy co-host), Annie Bratko ( synergy co-founder) and Jordan Mathis ( synergy curator).  This month's installment featured 6 musical items: a dance piece by Ryu Yeomyeong ( 류여명 ), music by Korean singer-guitarist Edward Kim, a duo of 'I Want It That Way' (90's kids like us went crazy for this!) and 'Real Love' by Ryne Santos and Jessica Enrique, an acoustic cover of Michael Jackson's 'PYT' and 'Human Nature' by Nate Kornegay and finally music by an Irish-American-Canadian band wh...

Come and See Art Talent at INK & FLOW in Gwangju this Saturday!

The Gwangju Art Class invites YOU to come along this weekend to INK & FLOW – a night of artistic appreciation of visual artists in South Korea! This event will take place on Saturday 15 th October at the Gwangju International Centre (Gwangju City, Jeollanamdo), from 18h30 to 22h00. The program for the evening will include an art contest, free beverages and snacks (until it runs out!), an ink-art table and art wall for guest participation, live musical performances as well as a cake sale and raffle. All proceeds will go towards funding materials for the Gwangju Art Class and to the Gwangju International Centre, and raffle and prize winners will be announced at 9pm. Aine Byrne invites all to this event. “We will showcase the results of local creatives who entered an art challenge with us last month. There will be prizes awarded for ‘Fan Favourite’ and ‘Ink&Flow: Judged Art Contest’. Bring your friends along for a night of art fun!” ***See more about INK &...